• Automotive
      • 3D Printing is revolutionising the transport industry with not only prototypes during the design and development stages, but with tooling, moulds, and even end-use parts during the manufacturing and production process.

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    • Jewelry
      • Produce high precision, functional 3D prints that can stand in for final parts and stand up to the rigors of the factory floor, from pre-production validation to jigs and fixtures to end-use parts

    • Manufacturing
      • Manufacturing is experiencing a digital transformation with the advance of 3D printing in modern manufacturing facilities. The current strategic imperative is to embrace the breakthrough potential of 3D printing by integrating digital into your organization’s structures, processes, systems and incentives.​

    • Dental
      • Learn how dental labs and practices of any size can build reliable, high quality, easy-to-use digital workflows for dental models, surgical guides, splints, retainers, and more. 3D printing is revolutionizing the way surgeries are done.

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    • Entertainment
      • Use accessible, professional 3D printing to facilitate collaboration, win over directors, and bring hyper-realistic digital models to life in a matter of hours.

        download (2)
    • Medical
      • Low Investment, High Impact. Open the door to high-impact medical applications, while saving significant time and costs from the lab to the operating room.

    • Education
      • Bring the Real World to the ClassroomEncourage creativity and expose students to the same professional-level technology used by businesses in a range of industries.

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    • Engineering
      • Find Value Across the Supply Chain Produce high precision, functional 3D prints that can stand in for final parts and stand up to the rigors of the factory floor, from pre-production validation to jigs and fixtures to end-use parts

    • Desktop
    • Professional
    • Industrial
    • Material Dryer
    • 3D Print Your Design

      Upload your design and 3D Print!

3D Printing for Functional Part Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing can be used in manufacturing end use parts that not only perform better for the use case but also do not require to be stocked as a physical spare in the warehouse.

3D Printed Production Part used on Auma's induction Motor

3D printing has opened doors for newer, lighter, stronger, safer and more robustly designed products. While original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers primarily use Additive manufacturing for rapid prototyping, the technical curve of additive manufacturing makes a strong case for its use in product innovation and direct manufacturing in the future.

Wire Harnessing

3D Printed Wire Harness

As per numerous specialists, 3D printing guarantees to change the manner in which various items are planned and mass-produced. In addition to other things, the technology can be utilized to create connectors, terminals and other wiring harness components. Furthermore, some time or another not very far off, 3D-printed parts may even take out the requirement for customary wire and link gatherings. To speed product testing with usable parts, wiring harness engineers are eager for an alternative process to plastic injection molding. They’re also interested in low-volume applications that allow them to easily produce one-off designs or custom components.



Jigs and Fixtures

Grips: The part of an automation process that is in contact with the workpiece typically used to exchange or orientate the part. These are often custom-made to match a parts geometry.

Jigs: Holds the workpiece tight and furthermore directs the cutting device (e.g. a drill jig used for guiding the drill tool into the right spot). Jigs are typically not attached to the machine and can be easily manipulated to align with the cutting instrument. Precision of part does not rely upon the operator. Jigs are made out of tough materials as they must guide a tool to a particular location.

3D Printed Assembly Fixture
3D Printed Assembly Fixture


Fixtures: Locates, holds and supports the work-piece securely as machining or assembly happens. Machining fixtures are generally anchored to the machine to withstand the large machining forces the part is subjected to. 

Fracktal can not only help you discover such use cases on your factory floor and machine assembly process but also help set up an additive manufacturing ecosystem that is much needed for continuous innovation.


“One of the main applications they use 3D printing for is custom workpiece holders which mount on the machine conveyors.”




Learn More About 3D Printing

3D Printing is set to revolutionaize the way several industries work, from Medicine to Space Exploration to Education. 
Learning and adopting 3D Prinring in your field may just be the Next Big Thing in your industry or workplace

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