• Automotive
      • 3D Printing is revolutionising the transport industry with not only prototypes during the design and development stages, but with tooling, moulds, and even end-use parts during the manufacturing and production process.

        mahle_3d-5-copyright-porsche (2)
    • Jewelry
      • Produce high precision, functional 3D prints that can stand in for final parts and stand up to the rigors of the factory floor, from pre-production validation to jigs and fixtures to end-use parts

    • Manufacturing
      • Manufacturing is experiencing a digital transformation with the advance of 3D printing in modern manufacturing facilities. The current strategic imperative is to embrace the breakthrough potential of 3D printing by integrating digital into your organization’s structures, processes, systems and incentives.​

    • Dental
      • Learn how dental labs and practices of any size can build reliable, high quality, easy-to-use digital workflows for dental models, surgical guides, splints, retainers, and more. 3D printing is revolutionizing the way surgeries are done.

        download (1)
    • Entertainment
      • Use accessible, professional 3D printing to facilitate collaboration, win over directors, and bring hyper-realistic digital models to life in a matter of hours.

        download (2)
    • Medical
      • Low Investment, High Impact. Open the door to high-impact medical applications, while saving significant time and costs from the lab to the operating room.

    • Education
      • Bring the Real World to the ClassroomEncourage creativity and expose students to the same professional-level technology used by businesses in a range of industries.

        download (3)
    • Engineering
      • Find Value Across the Supply Chain Produce high precision, functional 3D prints that can stand in for final parts and stand up to the rigors of the factory floor, from pre-production validation to jigs and fixtures to end-use parts

    • Desktop
    • Professional
    • Industrial
    • Material Dryer
    • 3D Print Your Design

      Upload your design and 3D Print!

Preoperative Surgery Planning

3D printing is increasingly used in medicine and allows for detailed planning of operations. This makes it possible to select the appropriate operating technique, discuss it in the team, and shorten the time of the procedure itself.

Only the FDM technology gives the possibility to produce the anatomical models with a limited budget and in a short timeframe.

3D Printed Assembly Fixture

Doctors can now study highly accurate 3D models of a patient’s musculoskeletal system. These 3D reproductions help medical specialists diagnose ailments, plan for surgery, provide education to the patient, and more. The patient’s unique CT and MRI scans are used to create an exact replica as a 3D printed model. The applications of 3D Printing span the public and private healthcare sectors in disciplines that include orthopedics, oncology, oral and maxillofacial, trauma, and transplant surgery.

Reaching an accurate diagnosis

Custom medical models are 3D reproductions of CT and MRI scans, making them highly accurate and specific to each patient. These 3D prints give doctors more information than what’s possible in a 2D representation of a patient’s anatomy. “Having access to a patient’s full-scale anatomical model, whether it be a heart or a pelvis, has allowed surgeons to more accurately diagnose and determine treatment for that patient and in some cases completely change the course of treatment with the additional information given from the prints.” Specialists can inspect a full scale model of the anatomy in three dimensions, giving them unprecedented insight into a patient’s needs.

Having access to a patient’s full-scale anatomical model has allowed surgeons to more accurately diagnose and determine treatment for that patient.

Determining the best treatment

Axial3D Surgeon Examining Bone
Custom medical models help doctors decide on the best treatment method based on a patient’s personal anatomy.


After diagnosis, specialists use the models to determine the best treatment. A high-resolution 3D model gives doctors a more holistic view than the conventional 2D realm of radiography. “Having access to a tangible, scale model of what is inside the patient allows surgeons to visualize and explore the ailment or injury in real space and reach a much more comprehensive understanding of their patient’s injuries and to determine the optimal treatment for each diagnosis.

Pre-operative planning

Pre-surgical Planning
Surgeons use anatomical models to prepare equipment for operations, greatly reducing the risk of complications.


Custom medical models help surgeons plan and practice for operations. Pre-operative planning not only cuts the time that patients spend in surgery, but it also reduces the risk of complications and infection rates. Patients spend less time in rehabilitation, saving a huge amount of hospital resources. With 3D models, surgeons can trial new techniques and prepare equipment well in advance of stepping into the operating theatre. Less time in surgery greatly reduces the risk of complications, speeds recovery, and saves time and money. Using 3D models for pre-operative planning benefits everyone involved.

Video Credit: PROTO3000 is a Engineering Solutions company that extensively leverages 3D printing to solve tough engineering problems

The Impact
That Matters.


5,000 - 15,000 INR

Cost of a typical model

Surgery time

> 50%

Reduction in Time

Sign up for a free Discovery Session and understand 3D Printing's ROI in your Industry

Advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing for pre-operative planning of revision hip surgery



Learn More About 3D Printing

3D Printing is set to revolutionaize the way several industries work, from Medicine to Space Exploration to Education. 
Learning and adopting 3D Prinring in your field may just be the Next Big Thing in your industry or workplace

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