3D Printing in the Consumer Goods Packaging Industry

3D Printing Use Case

3D Printing in the Consumer Goods Packaging Industry Packaging can be theatre, and it can create a story ~ Steve Jobs Why is packaging important for your product? Almost one-third of product decision-making is based on packaging alone More than 70% of the purchasing decisions are made inside the store 66% of consumers said they […]

3D Printing in the Drone Industry

3D Printing in the Drone Industry Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society. ~ Bill Gates Drones are everywhere! They are doing unimaginable things for us and is getting society to the next phase of evolution. Delivering Pizza to helping our soldiers at the border, […]

3D Printing in the Electric Vehicle Industry​

3D Printing in the Electric Vehicle Industry Electric vehicles are the way to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environment. 3D printing is the technology that will make this journey easy, less costly, and will increase the growth of electric vehicles exponentially. The parts of an electric vehicle are much different from an internal combustion […]

Preoperative Surgery Planning

Preoperative Surgery Planning 3D printing is increasingly used in medicine and allows for detailed planning of operations. This makes it possible to select the appropriate operating technique, discuss it in the team, and shorten the time of the procedure itself. Only the FDM technology gives the possibility to produce the anatomical models with a limited […]

3D Printing in the Railway Industry

3D Printing in the Rail Industry Over the last 12 months, many railway companies, including Deutsche Bahn, Bombardier and Angel Trains, have invested in 3D printing or have been ramping up their 3D printing capabilities. 3D printing is now an industrial-grade tool that rail transportation providers can and should be leveraging to secure their supplies […]

Jigs, Fixtures & Gauges

3D Printing Jigs, Fixtures and Gauges Jigs, custom-made tools  are a manufacturing staple and are used to guide and control the motion of another work piece during an operation, and fixtures, devices used to hold a piece in a fixed location during an industrial process, are used to produce products reliably and repeatedly.  With fast and near […]

3D Printing for End-Use Production Parts

3D Printing for Functional Part Manufacturing Additive manufacturing can be used in manufacturing end use parts that not only perform better for the use case but also do not require to be stocked as a physical spare in the warehouse. 3D Printed Production Part used on Auma’s induction Motor 3D printing has opened doors for […]